Public Finance in a Complex World
Jan. 24 – Jan. 28, 2022
Public Finance in a Complex World (online) is an executive program providing a rigorous, evidence-based approach to public financial management. The upcoming online session will bring together officials in charge of implementing reforms in their countries along with leading experts from multilateral organizations to examine the challenges associated with successful systemic reform. The next registration deadline for this 5-day program is January 3, 2022.
Leading Economic Growth
Feb. 28 – May 6, 2022
Leading Economic Growth (online) brings together leading experts in economic development with practitioners from around the globe to focus on practical approaches to shared growth and development. In this highly engaging 10-week course, participants will learn new ways to think about their country’s growth challenges and how to develop a strategy to address these challenges. The next registration deadline for this 10-week program is February 7, 2022.
Implementing Public Policy
May 16 – Dec. 9, 2022
Implementing Public Policy (hybrid) is designed to equip policymakers around the world with both the skills to analyze policies, as well as the field-tested tools and tactics to successfully implement them. This program follows a new blended learning format, offering a combination of both online and in-person learning, as well as applied action learning – where new ideas are applied to daily implementation challenges. The next registration deadline for this seven-month program is April 4, 2022. |